Monday, July 03, 2006

Ok, time for random stuff

Since I am waiting for photos to upload and I have nothing better to do in the mean time I will recount many true and possibly amusing events that have taken place during my time here so far.

First and foremost I believe there is a Salvadoran man conducting some sort of Jean racketeering scam out of one of the back bedrooms of our house. I am not sure how this works, but I can assure you he is there and believes he is making money. The scam seems to consist of walking to the back of the house, rummaging through a few bins of jeans wrapped in plastic, making all sorts of noise, but making no discernable progress in all of his sorting. No customers ever come or go and he never leaves with any jeans, nor does he ever come with any. Once or twice he has asked me if I needed jeans, but I declined the invite to join his little scheme. I've also spied him discussing the finer points of selling pants with Don Fabio, but I think he isn't taking Fabio's advice, because the jeans just get sorted and never sold.

I've had the pleasure of being part of many an awkward social gathering and seen many an awkward event. So many in fact that I've considered starting a journal solely composed of these moments because they occur so frequently that they soon escape my memory. Once such example is being invited to lunch at the house of one of our community member's secret boyfriend with her mother. ( I should add that we have met him, but the mother hasn't) If that isn't awkward enough I had the good fortune of spying a cat popping a squat and proceeding to heave and huff at the labor of relieving himself of yesterday's food. This is the sort of thing that once you catch it, you can't take your eye off it.

Yet another day I had the fortune of getting a bacterial infection. This isn't awkward per se, but the effects are. For example, running to the bathroom and nearly not making it, running the risk of soiling yourself with every step, not fun. Additionally, in order to confirm the infection you have to put a "sample" in a very small cup. Needless to say this is difficult when you've all but lost control of all functions related to your bowels. One must also deliver the sample in a timely manner, which can be a fun hike while sick.

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