Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Getting a Little Nuts

Things are beginning to get a little nuts around here. As time winds down in training I find that life is speeding up a little bit and my emotions are a little all over the place.

The first and most obvious reason why I am a little out of my mind right now is that we've had both of our interviews to assign our sites and we are less than a week away from finding out where we will be spending the rest of our two years. My APCD (basically my boss) seemed very excited after my second interview and gave me the impression that based on my statements, he already had a site that seemed to be my cup of tea. That seems encouraging to me that there is a site that seems to fit based on my personality and what I like working on. But damn it I want to know now where I will live. The waiting really is the hardest part.

The second and more confusing issue on my mind is the early termination of our second and third trainees from our training group. Granted they are married so that makes two departing at once a little less shocking, but I really feel like I was getting to know them and that they would make it for the long haul. I understand their decision and I can't say that I blame them, but it feels like things are slowly falling apart. Besides, Will was one of the guys and we are very few in numbers these days. Two of the three that have left were guys and there weren't that many of us to begin with. This just sort of sets the wheels in motion wondering who else is destined to jump ship, and who else I will regret losing as an in-country pal.

The final nail in my crazy coffin right now is something called Fiestas Patronales. Loosely translated it means festivals for saints, or the patron saints of each town. Yes, each town here has its own saint and I'll be damned if they don't celbrate the hell out of him. The fiesta here isn't even supposed to begin for a week, but already every person that could possibly be selling anything has set up shop in the park, which happens to be right in front of my house. Noises and hollering continue all night and just about drive me nuts til I pass out with exhaustion. I am wondering what it will be like in a week when more stalls arrive to sell stuff, rides start getting set up and fireworks start going off with even more regularity than they already do. I don't imagine there will be much sleeping involved. On the up side I am all set to try some elote loco, which is crazy corn, or corn with every topping known to man on it. Hopefully there will be some photos.

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