Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Isla Tasajera

For a little rest and relaxation we went to a little island off the Costa del Sol called Isla Tasajera. We rented out the entirety of a hotel for $26 per person for 2 nights, that included all food and lodging. It was a little on the expensive side considering our budgets, but I think it was worth every cent.

We started by taking a private bus straight from the training center, which is the best way to do it in my opinion. The bus ride was what you'd expect of a bunch of 20 something people in a private bus on their way to party it up on an island, in other words, party bus. That was largely the case until two police men busted into the back door and I proceeded to hide everything from view. However we were lucky and they just wanted to hitch a free ride for a few miles and didn't have any plans to hinder our fun. Once we got to the beach two little water taxis took us the rest of the way and we proceeded to eat dinner then continue with our festivities. That meant lots of cards and lots of beer, a good combo if you ask me.

Somehow when we were deciding rooms I picked a room with two of the other guys, but when I turned around only my stuff was in the room and I was a bit confused about why they went to other rooms. I made sure to tell everyone that I had a room to myself and anyone could switch if their room was crowded, but I remained solo. That made me feel a bit lonely in the grand scheme of things. Did I smell or something? I mean what did I do to either earn a room solo or get abandoned for the comfort of more crowded spaces?

The morning was our first real view of the island since we got in after dark. It was quiet and pretty and I got a few nice shots of the sun on the water in the morning. Clearly we spent most of the day at the beach playing in the water and getting burnt. The water was warmer than I am used to for the Pacific and the beach was a sort of silty sand. The waves were fun and large enough to play around in. So we swam, played frisbee, kicked around a ball and good fun was had by all.

The evening was largely a repeat of the first, but this time a little more boistrous and with a little more in the way of adult beverages. This time we played lots of cards and talked for hours. I can't speak enough of the combination of beer, cards and hammocks, it does wonders for the spirit.

The following morning some of us took a scenic boat ride and saw some of the nice houses and boats along the Costa del Sol, as well as a little bird infested island. We left mid day.

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