Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Great Debate

I'm referring to Coke vs. Pepsi. And while I find I am a Pepsi man in the US, here in El Sal I have converted to a Coke man. I am not leaving my old favorite out in the cold for no reason, I find the formulas here are different and the flavors are screwy primarily from the use of sugar instead of corn syrup. So while in the US Coke is too fizzy and sorta coats your mouth with a corn syrupy cinnamon flavor (which I don't like), it doesn't do that here. On the contrary Pepsi here is too fizzy for me.

More than just the Pepsi/Coke issue though, I have been a little struck lately by the dynamic between the reality of Peace Corps work and what my City Hall and the people there seem to expect of me. They seem to think I have done next to nothing in my time here, which isn't entirely incorrect, I don't do as much with them as I originally thought I would. However somehow I think they have taken this to mean that I am not doing anything at all. Oh if that were only true and I was just relaxing. And so I have had to deal with a series of calls to my supervisor and the nail biting experience of waiting for a big meeting with my boss, my counterpart and my mayor in which I need to reinvent myself so to speak and present old ideas in a fresh way. Plus I need to find a way to ask them to be more open with me without criticizing or offending them. I'm trying to relax about it, but it sorta stays in the back of my mind.

Mean time I checked out a possible project today and I'm ready to present to others and start work on them. So as I get close to my second year things are starting to look busy and I'm feeling the pressure to succeed from my office.

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