Friday, January 04, 2008

New Years

In the spirit of keeping people up to date with my life and because I have been around lots of internet connected computers, I will let you know what I did for New Years.

I hopped on a bus with Kaya and went to a beach in La Libertad called El Tunco. That roughly translates to The Pig. I have heard two different stories about why it is called that, one is that a large rock in the water looks like a pig, the other is that when pigs were being created, they came to the beach to bathe and party and someone saw it. I am inclined to think both are false because I don't think pigs were "created" or that they came in from the ocean, also I think that the rock looks nothing like a pig. Anyway, a bunch of volunteers were there and we had a whole hostal reserved for ourselves. It was a bit of a mad house between my dog, the Crowe's dog and the various dogs that lived there and the multitude of volunteers. I tried letting Kaya have some freedom off the leash, but she quickly demonstrated just how much of a puppy she was, so she spent the rest of the time on the leash.

The actual party was a mixed bag of volunteers in various states of drunkeness and a few of their parents or embassy friends. I mostly abstained because I wasn't in the best shape for drinking and I had my dog with me. But I did enjoy the hijinks and the company. Plus I got a wicked sunburn, which may be worse than a hangover since it lasts a bit longer.

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