Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First things first I have been slowly working on that piece of art for a while now for multiple reasons. First, my computer doesn't like huge photoshop files and likes to choke on them, so I can't work on it very much at one sitting. Second it is a completely new style for me and it took some time to figure out and decide how I wanted to work with it. But after stewing over it for so long I thought I would upload it and let it see the light of day. I don't really consider it finished so there will likely be a future version fixed up and with a mild background.

About my life I have been feeling both bored on a relational level and hectic rushing around. Two more of my closest Peace Corps buddies left about 10 days ago and slowly but surely the reality that Peace Corps volunteers in a country are in a constant state of flux is getting to me. I mean of all the people I used to hang out with this time last year, one remains and because of my move she is really far away. So I have been dealing with a form of the loneliness that comes and goes here. Mostly it takes the form that when I am bored and need to talk to someone, I don't know who to call or text so I just sit around and keep my thoughts to myself. To top all of that off, my boss Bryan, who is amazing, is leaving to take a better position with Peace Corps in Belize at the end of the month. Sad for us, but amazing for the volunteers in Belize. Unfortunately I will miss his last days because of the vacation that I am going on at the end of the month.

However I have been running back and forth all over the place quite a bit lately. I have started to install and train people in other sites to use my database that I was working on so heavily and so far it has taken me to two different volunteer's sites. Both were decently near by and fun to see. I have also been putting lots of touch up work into the documentary and now another internet short that I was working on for the Municipal Development program here. These sort of became a rush issue to get them done while Bryan is still around and so that I can see Bryan before he is gone. I feel like I haven't really done any work in my town for a long time, mostly because the City Hall was closed until recently and also because I have been running around so much. I'm trying to settle down until Samuel comes so I can feel like I got lots of good community time in before I run off again. But at the same time it vacation time. It has been since last May since I really took anything that resembled a real vacation, so I am very ready for this.

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