Sunday, October 29, 2006


I am rushing through the capital right now on the way back to my site from a Halloween Party. It was fun, and it was random. I couldn't decide on a costume so I went the random route and bought the funniest things I could find as a costume. I don't really wanna describe it, but it was about as random as Stephen who went in a Moo-Moo and shaved his hair into a mohawk. Hopefully there will be pictures to come, then you can see for yourselves.

I wanted to do a little ranting for once. I haven't really gotten a good rant in here on this blog yet. I am frustrated right now about a few things and I'll keep each brief. First my flash drive died, so my best source of getting info from my computer to the rest of the world has gone caput. I don't know what happened, but it won't show up on any computers any more or disk utilities. Also I am getting a little tired of the buses. I know I've been fed up with them before, but moreso now that they aren't a necessary evil for training and I use them at my choice. They suck, they are crowded, I stepped in some vomit on one the other day, and they have the tiniest seats. Seriously it is like they bought an extra set of seats and put them in between seats, and not only that, they stretched one side a bit to have a hand at the farce of trying to get three people into one seat with nowhere to put their knees. And can the rain stop already, the rainy season is supposed end in October, I didn't know they meant on the 31st. Seriously this month has been the hardest, most intense rain.

Ok thats enough ranting for now. Gotta run.

1 remarks:

Unknown said...

Do you need me to send another drive. If so send the specifications.