Saturday, October 14, 2006

Nothing of Importance

I don't have anything planned to write about this time. I am just spending some time in Sonsonate downloading a few things onto my flash drive to take back to my own house and computer so I figured an update was due.

I just got back from a few days respite in the East with a few of my buddies from my training group. We hit up Playa El Cuco for 3 days and I got quite burned. The beach was beautiful though, and if you didn't notice all the thatch roofed buildings with huge patios, I'd say the beach reminded me a lot of the beaches in LA. The similarity was slim though, considering the warm water and the salvadorans everywhere. Either way it was a good time, and since I saw Whitney, now I can look forward to my mayor asking a million questions about her. Somehow he is in love with her (as most Salvadorans are) without ever having met her, he only saw her for a few minutes at swearing in and in my photos.

I am also looking forward to the coming week. I have a cool conference coming up on Tudesday regarding creating a forum to help stop people smuggling, indentured servitude and other forms of human rights violations in my communities. I think that should be good and I am happy it is partially being government sponsored. Also coming up is a soccer game on Saturday, which I am looking forward to because I jost got my PCV uniform and was given a pair of cleats, so I want to break those all in and make a fool of myself playing against salvadorans. And most importantly my birthday is coming up this week. Such a good week!

Also I am trying to get my photo site thing worked out. I started a webshots gallery, and when I look at it I have two albums and some other photos, check it out using the link on the right and if it isn't working please leave a comment for me. I want to be able to share my photos with everyone, but there don't seem to be lots of sites that meet my criteria for photo sharing.

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