Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yesterday Was a Good Day

Yesterday was one of those rare days where everything seemed to be going my way. The day started simply enough, but just kept getting better. I got good news in terms of finding info for projects, I got a call from my PCVC looking to organize a regional meeting and best of all I got a call from the APCD from AgFor looking to place a volunteer in or near my site to work in the national forrest. All good news. And the rest of the day seemed to be going just as well.

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by cslom
I have been sort of willing myself back into the habit of drawing and it finally bore something. I would say I am happy about that drawing. I am flopping back and forth between drawing for realism and developing my skill for line weight and such, and going for my older comic style. My hope is to develope some sort of style somewhere in the middle, a style more my own and at the same time not as childish.

1 remarks:

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the sketch. will download if possible.
Yesterday purchased a new jump drive for you. Hopefully will pack it up with your books this weekend.
It will be nice to have a volunteer you can hike with close at hand.