Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ok, So I'm Settled I guess

Well after a little time I am what should be called settled in and getting work under way. I say should be called settled in, because as usual I am a bit slow about getting things purchased and getting my house completely set up. I still don't have a table, a place to put my cooking range or a propane tank since the move. I am experiencing the same laziness of a year ago, where it takes a bus ride to a city to purchase anything, and arguing about delivery or paying a pickup in order to get said things back to my house. So for now, no stuff, and that means I either do my work on the floor, or laying in my hammock. It also means an almost dead stop to my creative impulses a la photoshop since that for sure requires some work surface and free time at home. For now the plan is to contract someone local to hand make me a table and a little cooking stand.

However work has already taken an upswing and gone for a bit of the same. Yesterday I went and met the two girls in my town who receive scholarship money and made plans to fill out their forms for next year. Today I was supposed to go with my counterpart to a canton to help a school group form and environmental committee, but somehow when I got there, they left without saying a word to me, even after I confirmed that I would go yesterday. So ups and downs as I expected, but overall positive. I have done some work on the database I was working on before and plan to get it up and running on my counterpart's computer by the start of the year. Sometime this week the NGO that helped with a tree project and a stove project with the last volunteer is returning for a meeting, so I hope to crash it and get in on the ground floor of any work that can be done in my municipality.

I have also reaffirmed my love for hammocks in the past two weeks. In fact Kaya has sort of adapted to pushing me in her own annoying way. When I lay in my hammock for extended periods of time and start ignore her, she runs into me from below, sometimes causing me to resume swinging, other times stopping my swinging altogether. But she wants human contact and I suppose ramming speed is the best way to get it when I'm nose deep in a book and swinging away.

In other news I am thinking of getting a bike which would ease my transport problems around my area and get in a little exercise at the same time. Some time soon I will go check out bike and used bike prices. Just hope I am not my usual lazy self and wind up putting it off until it is no longer worth it.

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