Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You Can't Go Back

Just to mix it up and not combine seperate thoughts, this is a completely different post.

For some time now I've been having little day dreams and very vivid actual dreams of Meadow Oaks Camp. Yeah yeah, I know that was like forever ago, but the kicker is I am 100% sure it is some sort of mental trigger for the delights of my childhood. I mean I have these very vivid sort of daydreams and whatnot of places and things that used to happen there, specifically the camp part not the school, which I have all but forgotten about.

I often dream I am paddling a boat around on Secret Lake and Greg (the counselor) is rushing up to turn on the sprinkler under the bridge to soak me before I go through. Or perhaps I am imagining swinging on the rope swing and splashing into Secret Lake, which few people used to do because there were rumors it was full of sewage water. I felt in on some secret as a school goer because I used to see it filled with fresh water near the end of the school year and know they cleaned it, although it acted as a bus parking lot a good portion of the time.

Secret Lake was the site of my first meeting with long time school companion Geoff Plitt and the site of my permanent image of him. He was a chubby kid in my group, a little older than me, wearing a Home Depot painting hat with pride and basically flaunting the dork he would become. He always wore who he was with pride, and I look back on it remembering how torn I was over that hat. I hated it, but secretly I liked it and I wanted into the dork club. Well I got in eventually.

I also vividly remember nearly every turn of the water slide, climbing up, sliding down, the changing rooms, the mysterious ticket booth that sat nearby, and sitting in the shade playing geeky dice games. I was a self proclaimed king of the slide, going down as fast as I was capable and skimming the water in the pool all the way to the steps. Ah good times.

There was the pool, where I used to pretend I couldn't swim. Unless of course I was going down the small slide or jumping off the diving board.

There were the jerks that stole my very first G-Shock watch and used to come to camp with Jack in the Box twisty fries every day.

The Snack Shack and the Slim Jims it sold.

That waft of horse dung as you walked to the lame little horse area. Which also happened to be where I mischievously locked my cousin Daniel in a latrine and shook it trying to tip it over.

Moto and getting my "liscense". In retrospect those undersized quads aren't nearly as cool, but hey, they were close to the mini golf course.

Right, the good ole days. The point is that is all gone now. Its gone, caput, over and done with. Nobody else will ever learn those secrets and have those memories because they are gone, making way for the expansion of Viewpoint School. I went to Viewpoint too, but it wasn't the same, that was school, Meadow Oaks was always more of a camp with long school times thrown in to me. I secretly never wanted that buyout to happen years ago because I knew that it eventually meant Meadow Oaks would slowly disappear. Now I have no place to sneak a peak at those years of my childhood except while daydreaming or sleeping. I didn't think I would get all nostalgic for that sort of stuff, but the years are coming on quickly and staring the rest of your life in the face sometimes does that to you. I mean I've been having these little flights of fancy since before departing for El Sal, but they come more frequently the longer I am gone.

Mostly though I miss Secret Lake and I don't know why.

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...

Funny, I just had a very vivid nightmare from my childhood recently. I dreamt that I was in a latrine at meadow oaks camp taking care of some business and suddenly I was locked in by my older cousin carl and he was cruelly trying to shake it over! (Alright, alright I guess I can find it in my heart to forgive)

GuavaFoo said...

Wow, thanks for all the memories. I attended Meadow Oaks for 8 years, became a CILT, and a CIT. Always wanmted to become a counselor, but it closed before I had a chance. I have occasionally gone back to see what they have done with the place. Last time I stopped by, the ghost town was still there, the moto cross still had all the tires. and the big hill at the "park" still invited us to slide down with a huge ice block :-). I loved the swing above secret lake, and was torn a little inside when I drove up the hill and the water slide had dissapeared. Thanks for all the memories!