Thursday, February 07, 2008

Back from Vacation

Yeah, that means I am back in El Salvador, and I think I need a day or two more to re-adjust after the amazing vacation I just took.

It started with renting a car and picking my brother up at the airport. Renting a car was something a little crazy for me, not that I haven't driven since I entered Peace Corps, but I hadn't driven in El Salvador yet and it was a trip. I hope he enjoyed briefly seeing my town, because it was nice to finally have someone come and see how I live and actually understand a bit of what I have been saying. As much as I try to explain it, I don't think people often really understand without actually seeing and doing.

The actual trip was fantastic and I don't think I want to describe it too much because that would take forever. Needless to say the food was one of the highlights for me because I just don't get anything that I would qualify as "cuisine" ever. Even the random down time was fantastic since I was constantly laughing at something that one of the three of us said. We played a lot of cards and just chatted quite a bit, which suited me fine because I don't get to relax with friends or family all that often. Plus relaxing is sort of the pace of life I am used to by now.

For sites, Actun Tunichil Muknar (I hope I spelled it correctly) took the cake and I want to upload photos as soon as I can. Basically it was a cave that we had to hike, swim, wade and climb to get into and once inside we saw the remains of Mayan sacrifices including human remains. That was totally my speed because not only did we see Mayan remains, but all the other outdoors stuff was an added bonus. Not that anything else we did was shabby, I mean we went snorkeling, diving, saw Tikal (the largest Mayan Pyramids in Central America) and golf carted around. I hope to have pictures up at some point.

The icing on the cake however was that my SIM card got stolen on my return trip to El Salvador. This after Samuel's phone and SIM got stolen when we were leaving. So I couldn't call home or the Peace Corps when I got in. Today I managed to talk a phone company person into getting me a SIM with the same phone number though and I am connected and ready to face the world again.

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